Yesterday, I went back to the Children's Hospital, with photographer Kelly Ash, to take photos of my mural. Kelly is taking the photos that will be in Vidro Impresso Magazine. It was great to see the mural again, now that it's all settled into it's new home.  Along with Kelly, I snapped just a few pictures of my own... because how could I not?
Enjoy them!


.. and just a couple of detail shots.

I have also finished putting the last of the glass onto a window for a holistic medical practice in Colorado. This weekend, it will be ready to grout... and then the magic will happen. :) I'll be sure to post photos of it when it's finished. Here it is in all it's ungrouted glory this morning. I'm really looking forward to grouting it.... to seeing all the details pop, and finally being able to see the light filter through the colors.